
Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Errr, What?

"I stand by Al Gonzales, and I would hope that people would be more sober in how they address these important issues. And they ought to get the job done of passing legislation, as opposed to figuring how to be actors on the political theater stage," Bush said.

Okay, I'm going to ignore the hypocrisy in Bush railing against the political theater thing, except to add this:

But honestly Mr. President, what could be more sober than investigating whether or not the top law enforcement official in the country was intentionally subverting the law? Is this really something you view as a waste of time? Oh don't answer that, I already know you have very little regard for our laws, your wiretapping without warrants proves what an utter disregard you have for the same Constitution you swore to protect.

Secondly, it seems you need to be reminded again that one of the jobs of Congress is to provide oversight on the other branches of government, this means investigating any semblance of wrongdoing by the federal government. I'm curious if you were equally annoyed when Congress was investigating whether or not President Clinton received fellatio from another consenting adult.

And thirdly, you have no one to blame for this "political theater" than yourself, your staff, your Attorney General, and his staff. If the Attorney General, who had over a month to prepare his testimony didn't appear to be suffering from early onset Alzheimer's, if Monica Goodling hadn't threatened to plead the 5th amendment when it was obvious she would be subpoenaed, if your Whitehouse hadn't "lost" over 5 million emails, if several of Al's staff hadn't resigned since this all began, including his chief of staff, and his deputy, and finally if you hadn't claimed you were impressed by Gonzalez's inability to remember anything, this would have most likely gone away quite a bit faster. The media is a fickle group, and the Democrats are a spineless bunch. Had you, and your cronies not thrown gasoline on the fire at every turn, this story would have faded away like all the countless other stories that have surfaced about your administration breaking the law, and getting away with it.

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